Tea Garden Software - Teapac
an integrated software to keep track of your Tea Garden activities

Teapac, the Tea Garden management software can help you manage the garden operations, Inventory management, Plantation software very easily, even without highly technical operators.
About Teapac, the tea garden software
Teapac is the Tea Garden Management software that helps you to manage the operational details of the garden. This user-friendly software produces useful reports and insights into the working of the garden.
India is one of the largest tea producers in the world, although over 70 percent of its tea is consumed within India itself. A number of renowned teas, such as Assam and Darjeeling, also grow exclusively in Indian tea gardens. All Tea management work can be done under this Tea Pack software.
The Indian tea industry has grown to own many global tea brands and has evolved into one of the most technologically equipped tea industries in the world. Production in the tea gardens, certification, exportation, and all other facets of the tea trade in India is controlled by the Tea Board of India.
Features of Teapac Software
Set Up
- Company Master
- Garden Master
- User Creation
- User Access Control
- Division Master
- Paybook Master
- Holiday Master
- Leave Type Master
- Welfare Item Master
- Cost Center Master
a) Attendance
- Staff Daily Attendance
- Worker Daily Attendance
- Cask Plucking Attendance Entry
- Worker Over Time
- Staff Attendance
- Worker Paybook Transfer
- Paybook wise Pay of Post
b) Worker Deductions
- Paybook Wise
- Employee Wise
c) Arrears / Loans / Gratuity
- Loan Sanction for Workers
- Loan Sanction for Staffs
- Arrear Payment for Workers
- Gratuity Payment for Staffs
- Gratuity Payment for Workers
d) House Repair
- Worker
- Staff
e) Medical Assistance
- Worker
- Staff
f) Sectional Activities
- Sectional History
- Plucking & Non-Plucking Activities
- Weather Information
g) Nursery Activities
- Nursery Progress Information Entry
- Nursery Maintenance
- Nursery Plant Distribution
h) Irrigation Activities
- Irrigation Progress Information Entry
i) Prooning Activities
- Prooning wise Sectional Chart
j) Worker Payment
- Worker Wages (Fornightly / Weekly)
- Salary Disbursement
- Worker Ration calculation
- Ration Details
- Dyer Wise And Tea Processing
- Gratuity
- Yearly Bonus
- Worker Welfare (Yearly)
- Leave with Wages (Yearly)
k) Staff Payment
- Monthly Salary for Staff
- Ration
- Yearly Bonus
- Staff Welfare
- Gratuity Payment for Staff
a) Fortnightly / Weekly Reports
- Wages Register
- Details Wages Register
- Wages Summary Register
- Monday's Analysis
- Productive Vs. Unproductive
- Activity wise Attendance
- Paybook wise Worker Details
- Line wise Worker Details
- Ration Register
- Sick Register
- Worker Deduction Register
- Cash Plucking Register
- House Master for Worker Register
- House Repair Information
- LIC Report
- Absent Report
- No of Days Worked
b) Daily Reports
- Work Force Reports
- Kamjory Reports
- Attendance Entry Check List
- Wage Register
- Green Leaf / Plucking Reports
c) Monthly Staff Reports
- Staff Attendance (Monthly)
- Grade Wise Staff Details
- Staff DA / VDA Listing
- Staff Salary
- Staff Salary Summary
- Grade wise Ceases
- Housing Reports
d) Statutory P.F. Reports
- Form 1
- Form 6
- F. Deduction Register
- F. Ledger for Worker / Staff
e) Query
- Query On Employee
- Query On Activity
- Query On AnalysisName
- Account Sub Group wise Mandays Zoom
- Perm & Temp Mandays Varience Zoom
- Activity wise Mandays Zoom
- Budget wise Activity Mandays Zoom
- Section wise Mandays Zoom
- Datewise Green Leaf Zoom