PF Trust Management Software
an integrated software to keep track on the Provident Fund Investment/Details

Raycomputech Provides the Best PF Trust Software for Provident Funds in India.
The PF trust management software allows you to manage all the aspects of your Provident fund trust easily. Request FREE demo.
About PF Trust Management Software
The Best PF Trust Software in India which is broad, dynamic and user-friendly software module for Gratuity, Superannuation and PF Trust Accounting Management. It is developed using the latest technology in the current technological world of Rapid Application Development and Deployment Tools. PF Trust Software of Raycomputech is combined with all inclusive features to solve the complicated task of Provident Fund Trust Management. PF Trust Software module consists of master, transaction and all types of reports generation.
Pension software and Gratuity Management software Module includes three different modules viz PF TRUST, GRATUITY and SUPERANNUATION, is a well structured system which allows to easily changes to PF rules without any programmer contribution. This software product manages all the loan calculation, statutory requirements, investments, amortization, and financial accounting.
Features of the PF Trust Software
Set Up
- Company Information
- Parameter Settings
- Create Company
- Alert creation through
- Map User
- User Access Control
- Prefix Setup for Investment
- Prefix Setup for Transaction Entry
- Generate Summary
- Clear Error Log File
- NPA Status Updation
- Stop Interest Calculation
- Year End Process
a) PF Transaction
- PF Contribution Entry
- Employee wise PF Contribution Entry
- Outstanding Balance of Loan Entry
- PF Data Import & Excel Format
- Application for Settlement
- Settlement of Accounts Entry with % of payment as per parameter
- Settlement of Accounts Checker Entry
- Settlement of Accounts Approval Entry
- Stop Settlement Entry
- Stop Settlement Approval Entry
- Form 16
- Form 10C Entry
- Form 13 Entry
- Transfer In Entry
- Transfer In Checker Entry
- Transfer In Approval Entry
b) Investment Transaction
- Investment Proposal Entry
- Investment Proposal Approval Entry
- Purchase of Investment
- Rating Updation
- Projected Cash Flow Statement
- Investment Planning Entry
- Sale of Investment
- Maturity of Investment
- Investment Sale Approval Entry
- Investment Maturity Approval Entry
c) PF Transfer In
- Form 13 Entry
- Transfer In Entry
- Transfer In Checker Entry
- Transfer In Approval Entry
d) Accounts Transaction
- Provisional Cash/Bank Entry
- Provisional Journal Entry
- Provisional Cash/Bank Checker Entry
- Provisional Journal Checker Entry
- Provisional Cash/Bank Approval Entry
- Provisional Journal Approval Entry
- Bank Clearing Entry
- Interest/Dividend Receipt Entry
- Interest/Dividend Receipt Approval Entry
- Form 16A Receipt Entry
e) PF Data Import
- PF Contribution
- Employee wise PF Contribution Entry
- Outstanding Balance
a) Provident Fund Reports
- Settlement of Accounts
- Settlement Register
- Settlement Application Status
- Pending priority
- Pending
- Priority settled
- Settled cases
- Non Refundable Withdrawal Register
- From date
- To Date
- Transfer In/Transfer Out Register
- TDS Calculation for Settlement
- TDS Register
- Provident Fund Ledger
- Statement of Accounts
- Statement of Accounts (Back Year)
- PF Contribution (Back Year)
- Interest Allocation
- Form 16A Recovery Register
- Annexure K
b) Investment Reports
- Investment Details
- Details
- Summary
- Pattern of Investment
- Investment Groupwise
- Investmentwise
- Rating of Securities
- State wise Holding Report
- Amortization Statement
- Investment Groupwise
- Fund Utilization
- Investment Groupwise
- Investment wise
- Interest Due Reports
- Status of Maturity
- Investment Groupwise
- Investment wise
- Accrued Interest
c) Accounts Reports
- Cash/Bank Book
- Cash/Bank Book Summary
- Journal Book
- General Ledger
- Party Ledger
- Trial Balance
- Party Trial
- Balance Sheet
- Monthly Analysis
- Half Yearly Analysis
- Accounts Confirmation
- Bank Reconciliation
- Fund Flow Statement
d) Zoom
- Cheque /Narration Query
- Query on multiple Employees at a time
- Account Zoom tracking individual Ledger till Voucher level.